June 28, 2016 Radhika Bose 1Comment

   Most women suffer from Polycystic ovarian Syndrome I won’t go into the detailed scientific explanation of PCOS. It’s a condition where small cysts form in the ovaries which affects the hormones and disrupts the normal menstrual cycle. If you suffer from these symptoms, please get in touch with a doctor or a  Gynecologist. Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 1. Absence of menstruation, heavy menstruation, infrequent menstruation, irregular menstruation, short and light menstruation, or spotting 2. Skin: acne, oily skin, or skin tag 3. Weight: obesity, overweight, or weight gain 4. Depression, inappropriate male features, infertility, loss of scalp hair,…

June 21, 2016 Radhika Bose

Part II as promise Metabolism rate also depends upon several factors like age, gender and physical activities. Indigestion and constipation are the most common problems in people. Practising yoga daily will help you with these problems. 1. Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend Prasarita Padottanasana Straighten your legs and turn your feet forward so that they are parallel in a triangle shape. Fold forward, and place your hands on the floor or on blocks or try touching the head to the ground. Whatever feels comfortable to do. Hold for 1 minute. 2. Warrior Pose I, variation Virabhadrasana I From Downward Dog, step…

June 17, 2016 Radhika Bose 3Comment

What is Metabolism ? We constantly hear this word being the focal point of our weight, our eating habits, lifestyle etc. But what does it mean to have a fast or a slow metabolic rate ? After some research… The scientific explanation is that metabolism is actually a biochemical process that occurs in all living organisms. In this process our body gets energy through food, which in turn helps the body function properly. But what has that got to do with our weight ? The Digestive system, the liver, the pancreas, and the kidneys are the main organs to regulate…

June 14, 2016 Radhika Bose 4Comment

Chick Chick Chicken Chicken Wings A.K.A Bingo wings How to get rid of them ? Follow these arm toning stretches and you’ll be wingless very soon. Oh if you are still wondering what I am talking about. I am referring to our triceps, biceps, deltoids. Unlike men, women struggle with the hanging piece of flesh coming out of our arms. With age they hang even more. What do we do about it ? We tone them and we tone them good with these super cool arm asanas. Enough Said !! Plank – Plank a day keeps the fat away Inhale,…

May 24, 2016 Radhika Bose 3Comment

If you’ve come here looking for ways to get a thigh gap. I suggest you go some place else. Thigh gaps are stupid ! Please don’t follow silly fitness trends. Your body is beautiful and appreciate it for what it is, instead of aping other people. Stop this silly thigh gap trend period. We all want shapely legs and toned hips, and its achievable. But women specially have a problem in these areas. For us its difficult to tone these body parts. We store a lot of fat in these parts, which causes cellulite. And if you are fine with…

May 17, 2016 Radhika Bose 1Comment

We all have our lazy days. The days we refuse to move and refuse to workout. Some are lazy 24/7 (move your butt) and some are tied up with work and can’t find time to workout. What do you do in such situations ? Yogasini presents you the Lazy Yoga workout You can do these simple easy going stretches in the comfort of your bedroom; the gruelling hours over the work desk; the 16 hour flight to America or while watching Masterchef Australia (loving this season). Nothing to do. Getting bored. Do these stretches . Stuck in traffic. Do these…

May 13, 2016 Radhika Bose 1Comment

Who hasn’t suffered from back ache ! I for one have had many episodes; where I am completely paralysed neck down. I can’t move, cant sit, cant sleep. I can’t do anything. Slight movement and I am in a world of excruciating pain. And these have happened not because I was trying a summersault or a headstand and fell on my back. I once got up in the morning with mind numbing pain only because I had slept in a bad position. If you notice most people these days have bad postures. Bad postures lead to bad back aches. Your…

May 10, 2016 Radhika Bose 1Comment

How to get rid of back fat ?? It is easy to get rid of belly fat, tone your arms even firm up those thighs but the back is one the hardest portions of the body to lose weight from. We are so obsessed with our abdomens, that our backs our often ignored. A weak back is not good for the body. Slight pain or kink and you will be in a lot of agony. Don’t ignore the back Though its tough to get rid of the back fat, its not impossible. Consistent back workouts and a proper diet can…

May 5, 2016 Radhika Bose

I love a good core workout. That being said, I am completely against 6 pack abs and bikini body trends. Only because they not justify your fitness level. You could have a pack of amazing abs, but if you are panting after 3 flights of stairs; those abs are of no good. To be honest thats just for show. Fitness is not for show. Doing 100 crunches to take that awesome bikini selfie in my opinion is just being silly. Don’t get me wrong , I take body selfies all the time. But to see my progress. I don’t intend…

April 28, 2016 Radhika Bose 1Comment

I have a love hate relationship with my 10k runs. I do it 3 times a week, and I kid you not before every run I have this mini argument in my head as to why I should or shouldn’t go for it. Various excuses come up, some make sense and some are just inexcusable. But such is the human mind. We convince ourselves of unbelievable things. What I forgot to mention is that even though I have these morbid arguments in my head, and its half an hour of yes or no. I still pull myself  out of bed,…