August 26, 2017 Radhika Bose 0Comment

For the longest time I thought that only body builders drank protein shakes. In fact I was of the opinion that they only drank protein shakes with raw eggs in it and flexed their muscles in front of the mirror all day!!

Big hulky men obsessing over which protein power is the best!! LOL

Suffice to say, not something I was very keen on trying. My fitness style is more holistic and less dependent on supplements and machines.

Protein shakes were not my cup of tea.

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But everywhere I went, every fitness person I met, I was constantly told to have protein shakes.

I consumed enough protein in a day, so why would I need an added protein shake?

First and foremost why do we need protein?

Protein is used for the production of muscles. It regulates hormones, enzymes and the immune system components. Hence we are constantly told to have balanced meals consisting of proteins, minerals and vitamins. Without adequate protein, our bodies cannot generate cells, tissues, organs nor can it perform proper cardiovascular functions. Muscle growth and healing is also hampered. Our muscles require protein to heal quickly, and if it doesn’t get the required amount, it can also lead to prolonged injury.

We now live in a world of fitness and body care. Gone are the days of lazing around and letting go of ourselves. Most of us have a gym membership or are attending a class to burn the fat away, get lean, tone up, the works !!!

I myself work out three hours a day. It’s my profession!

And its now that I need a protein shake the most.

The best time to get protein into the body is after a workout. The proteins, once delivered to your muscles, begin healing the “micro tears” caused due to contractions that occur during any physical activity.

You need more protein in your system in the following situations as well:

  • When you’re growing. A teenager needs more protein to fuel his/her workouts because his/her body is still growing and uses more protein in general.
  • When you’re starting a program. If you are working out for the first time and you are trying to build muscles you’ll require more protein than you normally would.
  • When you’re ramping up your workouts. If you normally work out for half an hour a few times a week, but now you’ve decided to train for a half-marathon, your body will need more protein.
  • When you’re recovering from an injury– Self explanatory.
  • If you’re going Vegan– People who pursue a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle eliminate many common protein sources from their diet, including meat, chicken, and fish, and sometimes dairy and eggs as well.

There are a million options of protein shakes out there. Online, grocery stores or the local market will have a section dedicated to protein powder.

But have you ever heard of plant based protein powder?


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I need to do research on anything I consume or buy. Stickler for information, I went on a search to find the right protein powder for myself. I tried a couple but they all left me bloated and with stomach issues. I am lactose in tolerant so any milk product creates problems for me. I was soon told that WHEY Protein powder is derived from milk.

Well that made sense, no wonder I was having problems!

On further research I found OLENA- an all plant based, vegan, non-gmo , gluten free protein powder

No lactose is this case!

This powder is completely made out of plant products. Ingredients like pea, coconut, brown rice, stevia, natural cocoa, natural vanilla flavour and no preservatives and no added sugar.

As natural as it can get!

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Now what a plant based protein powder does is that it gives you the same benefits of other protein powders out there in the market, minus the digestion issues. They contain fiber and digestive enzymes, which helps ease digestion and absorption leaving your stomach relaxed and satisfied. They are also hypoallergenic, meaning it’s very unlikely your body will respond negatively to them.

The added bonus of a plant based protein powder is that besides protein it has other nutrients as well. They have essential vitamins and minerals. Like I had said before, a well balanced meal!

Most dieticians will tell you that some dairy products cause acne or any sort of skin irritation. Plant based protein shake has no element of dairy. Hence your skin gets healthier. You wouldn’t want to be all strong and muscular with pimples all over your face !!

With Olena the best thing for me personally is the no added sugar and its natural taste. Most of these protein powders taste so sweet and sugary. It’s so contradictory to my whole workout. I am spending hours on a mat to burn the doughnut from last night and drinking my shake to get strong; at the same time adding more sugar to my body without even knowing it. We wouldn’t want that, I definitely don’t want that.

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I found the protein shake of my choice. The one that suits me without leaving me all bloated and uncomfortable. It’s filling. Its tastes good and its my post workout jam.

Check out Olena , know more about their idea and concept behind an all plant based protein powder.

Olena Complete Plant Protein





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