July 27, 2016 Radhika Bose

We all have them, we all struggle with them! In my opinion they are the most difficult part of the body to tone. I am talking about our lovely love handles a.k.a. Obliques Try wearing low waist jeans, there goes those lumps flopping from the sides. Try wearing a bodycon dress; the side piece of flesh just pops out even more. You could have a toned flat stomach but still struggle with love handles. I can easily tone any part of my body with regular exercising but my obliques give me nightmares. That’s the only part of my body I…

July 18, 2016 Radhika Bose

Yoga to the rescue. This time hair fall rescue Thunderbolt Pose Or Vajrasana The posture thunderbolt is also known as diamond pose. It enhances the supply of energy and blood to the upper part of our body. Sit on the knees while resting the back on your heels. Place the palms on the thighs, facing downwards. Keep the back straight, inhale, and exhale deeply. Sit in this position for two minutes at a stretch. Downward Facing Dog Pose Or Adho Mukha Svanasana Downward facing dog pose is an ideal stress buster. It helps in stimulating the flow of blood to…

July 11, 2016 Radhika Bose

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KECldDQHL9c Stranger – Wow you have just long beautiful hair !! What’s your secret ? Me- Hmm…I try washing it once in a while (Stranger refuses to believe me) To be honest, I don’t bother with my hair. The reason it’s so long is because I can’t think of a new hair do, so I’ve just let it grow and now its at a length that’s irritating and cumbersome. Many of us consider our hair as a security blanket. Some of us are very cray cray about the length, the colour , the style, the treatments, the whole nine yards….

July 3, 2016 Radhika Bose 1Comment

Istanbul was Constantinople Now it’s Istanbul, not Constantinople Been a long time gone, Constantinople Now it’s Turkish delight on a moonlit night A post for my travel series was due. For a long time I had been planning to do a write-up on my Turkey Travels from last year. But something or the other came up, and the post kept on getting delayed. Till the attacks happened I could not longer delay it. I had to put something down. I had to express my feelings. I fell in love with this country and it saddened me to see it being…