June 10, 2016 Radhika Bose

Do you give yoga lessons ? No The answer was no for a very long time. But all that was about to change… To be honest, I’ve never actually given a yoga lesson. I give online tips and trick on fitness. My lessons are virtual. Never conducted a class with actual people in front of me. I am good at giving advice but was I good enough to be a teacher ? When Anupriya from the blog Mom on the Run  [http://momontherun.in/] asked to collaborate on  a yoga/runner shoot; where I show her some stretches to open out the shoulders and…

June 4, 2016 Radhika Bose 3Comment

Where to this summer ? Dubai obviously !! A Go To destination for every Delhi resident I am not very fond of the middle east. As a proud feminist, the whole concept of  women being second citizens in their own country is not something I am very comfortable with. Such is the world we live in. I don’t mean to offend anyone with these remarks but I don’t intend to sugarcoat it either. Though never judge a book by its cover. This May I decided to visit the land of dreams for many people. Did my internet research. Do and…

May 24, 2016 Radhika Bose 3Comment

If you’ve come here looking for ways to get a thigh gap. I suggest you go some place else. Thigh gaps are stupid ! Please don’t follow silly fitness trends. Your body is beautiful and appreciate it for what it is, instead of aping other people. Stop this silly thigh gap trend period. We all want shapely legs and toned hips, and its achievable. But women specially have a problem in these areas. For us its difficult to tone these body parts. We store a lot of fat in these parts, which causes cellulite. And if you are fine with…

May 22, 2016 Radhika Bose

For those of you who’ve been following my instagram account from the beginning of time (ya right) would know, that before I became @yogasini I was @theconstanttraveller and travel I did 🙂 I don’t love travelling because its the latest thing trending and its cool . For me it’s a way of life. Every few months I get an urge to disappear. Anywhere will do. Take me to a remote village, lets explore undiscovered islands, lets climb everest (this october, fingers crossed), lets see the world.. No hotels, fine we’ll camp. No running water; bathing’s overrated. I have done these…

May 17, 2016 Radhika Bose 1Comment

We all have our lazy days. The days we refuse to move and refuse to workout. Some are lazy 24/7 (move your butt) and some are tied up with work and can’t find time to workout. What do you do in such situations ? Yogasini presents you the Lazy Yoga workout You can do these simple easy going stretches in the comfort of your bedroom; the gruelling hours over the work desk; the 16 hour flight to America or while watching Masterchef Australia (loving this season). Nothing to do. Getting bored. Do these stretches . Stuck in traffic. Do these…

May 13, 2016 Radhika Bose 1Comment

Who hasn’t suffered from back ache ! I for one have had many episodes; where I am completely paralysed neck down. I can’t move, cant sit, cant sleep. I can’t do anything. Slight movement and I am in a world of excruciating pain. And these have happened not because I was trying a summersault or a headstand and fell on my back. I once got up in the morning with mind numbing pain only because I had slept in a bad position. If you notice most people these days have bad postures. Bad postures lead to bad back aches. Your…

May 10, 2016 Radhika Bose 1Comment

How to get rid of back fat ?? It is easy to get rid of belly fat, tone your arms even firm up those thighs but the back is one the hardest portions of the body to lose weight from. We are so obsessed with our abdomens, that our backs our often ignored. A weak back is not good for the body. Slight pain or kink and you will be in a lot of agony. Don’t ignore the back Though its tough to get rid of the back fat, its not impossible. Consistent back workouts and a proper diet can…

May 5, 2016 Radhika Bose

I love a good core workout. That being said, I am completely against 6 pack abs and bikini body trends. Only because they not justify your fitness level. You could have a pack of amazing abs, but if you are panting after 3 flights of stairs; those abs are of no good. To be honest thats just for show. Fitness is not for show. Doing 100 crunches to take that awesome bikini selfie in my opinion is just being silly. Don’t get me wrong , I take body selfies all the time. But to see my progress. I don’t intend…

May 2, 2016 Radhika Bose 5Comment

I was told that I wasn’t perfect. I didn’t look like my peers. I was told to change myself. I was told to behave in a certain way. I was told a lot of things… They told me I had slit eyes. They made fun of my tiny slit eyes. They changed my nationality. They called me derogatory slangs. They asked whether I could see properly.. – I did everything to make my eyes look bigger. Put shit ton of makeup to not have slit eyes They told me I was short. A midget they said. They told me I…

April 28, 2016 Radhika Bose 1Comment

I have a love hate relationship with my 10k runs. I do it 3 times a week, and I kid you not before every run I have this mini argument in my head as to why I should or shouldn’t go for it. Various excuses come up, some make sense and some are just inexcusable. But such is the human mind. We convince ourselves of unbelievable things. What I forgot to mention is that even though I have these morbid arguments in my head, and its half an hour of yes or no. I still pull myself  out of bed,…