June 17, 2016 Radhika Bose 3Comment

What is Metabolism ?

We constantly hear this word being the focal point of our weight, our eating habits, lifestyle etc. But what does it mean to have a fast or a slow metabolic rate ?

After some research…

The scientific explanation is that metabolism is actually a biochemical process that occurs in all living organisms. In this process our body gets energy through food, which in turn helps the body function properly.

But what has that got to do with our weight ?

The Digestive system, the liver, the pancreas, and the kidneys are the main organs to regulate metabolism in our body. If these organs are not working properly, it means its not flushing out the toxins, its storing unwanted fat, impurities and not letting blood flow through out the body. In simple words, these organs are working against you.

You could be starving yourself but gaining weight at the same time.

Why is that ?

Its because your digestive system is not in a good shape.

How do you get it back in shape ? Yoga is the only form of exercise that helps you not only externally but also internally. It exercises your organs too.

Practise these yoga poses to increase your metabolism and your weight issues won’t be an issue anymore.

1. Twisted Chair Pose

Twisted Chair pose helps increase circulation by not only using every muscle in your body but also twisting, where in it squeezes the organs and flushes out the toxins .

How to: Stand with your feet and legs together. Begin to bend your knees and sink your hips down and back as if you were sitting in a chair far behind you. Bring your palms together in front of your chest. Rotate your spine to bring your right elbow to your left knee. Try to keep your chest lifted the whole time. Hold for 30 to 45 seconds and then repeat on the other side.

2.Eagle Pose

In addition to building strong, lean leg muscles. this pose helps with digestion

How to: Start in a standing position and bend your knees slightly. Lift your right leg up and around your standing leg and hook your foot and ankle behind your left calf. Sink your hips down and back as if you were going to sit on a chair. Cross your arms at your elbows and wrists in front of your chest and hold for 45 seconds to 1 minute. Come out of the pose, shake out your legs, and switch sides. Balance is key here

3.Crescent Lunge Pose


Crescent Lunge gets your heart rate up, which helps speed up your metabolism.

How to: Begin in downward dog pose. Step your right foot between your hands. Lower your hips into lunge position and shift your weight onto the ball of your back foot, bringing your hands to your hips. Stay up on the ball of your back foot and lift your upper body so that you’re standing straight up. Keep your hips squared the entire time. Bring your arms above you and reach for the ceiling.  Palms should be facing each other. Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute and then switch sides.

4.Locust Pose

Locust pose strengthens the muscles in your legs and lower back while opening up your chest and elongating your spinal column. Its an energy booster.

How to: Lie on your stomach with your arms alongside your body, palms facing up. Lift your head, upper body, arms, and legs up off the floor. Keep your arms and legs active and look forward or slightly up depending on your flexibility. Hold for 45 seconds before releasing everything to the floor and turning your head to one side. Try lifting your chest and legs as much as you can. Repeat three times

5. Bow Pose

Like Locust, Bow pose is a back bend that helps boost energy and keep your metabolism burning strong.

How to: Lie face down on the floor and bring your hands alongside your body, palms facing up. Bend your knees and reach back with your hands to grab your ankles. Keeping your legs hip-distance apart, lift your heels up and away from your body, which will pull your chest up off the floor. Keep your shoulder blades down, away from your ears the entire time. Hold for 30 to 45 seconds and then release, turning your head to the side.
Repeat two more times.

6.Bridge Pose

Bridge pose is a gentle inversion that opens your entire chest and shoulder area. Because the chest is lifted up towards the chin, the thyroid gland is being massaged. Your thyroid makes the hormones that regulate your metabolism.

How to: Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet hip-distance apart and flat on the floor. Reach down with your fingertips to see if you can feel your heels.  If not, walk your heels a little closer to your body. Press your weight into your feet to lift your hips up towards the ceiling. Keep your thighs parallel. Bring your arms underneath you and try to clasp your hands together (Don’t worry if you can’t do it at first). Roll your shoulders blades toward each other and hold this pose for 45 seconds to 1 minute. Release and roll slowly back to the floor. Repeat two more times.

7. Shoulder Stand


It’s a great stretch for your neck and upper back.

How to: Bring your hands to your lower back for support, make sure your fingers are spread wide. Slowly lift your legs to the ceiling one leg at a time. Try to get as straight as possible by walking your hands close to your shoulders. Hold for 1 to 3 minutes

8. Plow Pose

Plow pose is an inversion so it increases circulation in your thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary glands. This helps send out feel-good endorphins and hormones throughout your body, balancing your metabolic system.

How to: Lie on your back and bring your legs straight up in the air towards the ceiling. Bring your arms alongside your body with your palms down. Press into your hands and lift your legs over your head. If your legs do not touch the ground behind you, bring your hands to your back for support. Trying to roll your shoulder blades towards one another.

9. Fish Pose

It has a calming effect on your body

How to: Lie down on your back. Bring your hands, palms down, under your butt. Bend your elbows and lean on them by pressing them into the floor. Lift your chest up toward the ceiling so your back is arched. Bring your elbows towards each other, as you did in Bridge and Shoulder stand. Finally, drop your head back towards the floor behind you.

 10.Wheel Pose


Band bend to energise the body.

How to: Lie on your back. Bend your knees and place feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Place your hands next your ears, and inhale to press up. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths, lower, and repeat.

11. Supine Core Pose

Squeezes the core in turn exercises the organs

How to: Lie back, arms at your sides, and bend your knees, bringing them over your hips. Exhale, extend your left leg, and reach your arms overhead. Hover the left leg above the floor for 15 seconds, drawing your low ribs down and keeping the lower back still. Switch legs.

12. Easy Spinal Twist

Easy Spinal Twist stimulates the digestive system, which helps you lose weight.

How to: Lie on your back and bring both knees in toward your chest. Holding your left knee into your chest, let your right leg straighten out on the floor. Bring your bent left knee across your body, keeping your shoulder blades on the floor. Turn your head to look over your left shoulder to complete your twist. Hold for 45 seconds to 1 minute. Bring both knees into your chest and repeat on the other side

Part II Coming up very soon

Hope this Post was helpful !!

If you take a minute to check out my previous posts; you will notice that most of the images are shot on different days. The reason being is that I make it a point to try and test all the asanas before I mention them in the blog. I put in the effort so that you all can benefit from it, so please do like share and comment on the post. Your kind gesture will be very much appreciated.

Namaste !!




3 thoughts on “Poses to Boost Metabolism – Part I

    1. I have a core workout routine on the blog..check it out..it’s called core quickies ..and reducing stress routine is coming up very soon.. Regards,

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